Lightbulb Packaging Concept Design

The purpose of this partner project was to create various concepts for a new method of packaging for a product of choice (a lightbulb). Five physical solutions (no graphics or branding) were requested, with an emphasis on material, materiality, and folding. We were prompted to consider the object itself, in terms of its circularity and fragility; and to consider other examples of similar structure (i.e. Christmas ornaments) as reference. Global studies were encouraged; we pulled inspiration from Indian lightbulb packaging design. Finally, there was an emphasis placed on ecological and economic considerations; in other words, to use the least amount of packaging necessary to fully encase the product itself. Below are five iterations we came up with, which are explained in further detail below.


Iteration 1

A small felt tubular “sock” encases the bulb, protecting from scratches. Three layers of bubblewrap encase the product, so that it is suspended and able to stand upright. A single-use cardboard strip holds this packaging together, similar to the way that yarn is packaged.


Iteration 3

A pringles can is utilized. An “X” was exacto-cut on the top of the plastic, touching only the metal (and thus heavier-duty) portion of the cap. The lightbulb itself is suspended and does not touch the bottom of the can.

Iteration 4, alternate view

The bulb can be hung upside down as well in this iteration, hanging like a bat. The foam is secure and snug against the metal grooves.

Iteration 2

We used inspiration from Indian packaging design in this instance, using the least amount of material as possible. Cardboard is folded in an expanding format, with two thin layers of corrugated cardboard attached to two inside pieces.


Iteration 3, alternate view

The cap is removable with ease.


Iteration 5

We drew inspiration from coffins and cigarette packaging, except a minimal amount of cardboard is used in the encasing in accordance with environmental concerns. Thus, a unique, folding, mechanism is created.

Iteration 2, Alternate view


Iteration 4

A piece of foam, with a divet perfectly sized to fit the base of the bulb, is stuffed into the base of a pre-existing plastic encasing. The shape of the cap mimics the circular shape of the bulb, adding aesthetic dimension.


Iteration 5, alternate view

The unfolded view reveals an encasing in bubble wrap. A long tab reaches around and tucks underneath the other package piece to securely open and close the package with ease.