Stop-motion PSA: Motivate and persuade

Original Watercolor Illustrations

Annotated Storyboard

This PSA project’s purpose was to create a persuasive and motivational message using graphics, sound, and type that moves throughout time and space. By creating a campaign on a topic that I am interested in as a designer-activist, I was able to choose the style of portrayal. I decided to follow a stop-motion animation piece to gain more experience in the area, and apply my personal artwork love for watercolor illustrations. The piece is a “how-to-draw” book in motion, combining both Cintiq Pro creative pen and hand-drawn/painted (and then photographed and Photoshopped) illustrations. The purpose is to help young girls disregard societal definitions of what it means to be “beautiful”, and to provide evidence against the fake modeling industry. The model at the end was photoshopped to dimensions that are used occasionally in modeling campaigns, and then reverted back to normal human size and shape, to create a dramatic and powerful effect. Voiceovers and music add elements to the piece.


(1920 x 1080, 20 fps, 01:45 min. Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects, Wacom Cintiq Pen, hand-drawn and watercolor-painted illustrations, photography, Audition, Creative Commons.)