Homonym Action Portrayal

The objective of this project was to enable words to mimic verbal meaning, visually and kinetically. By communicating physics and literal actions with motion, the goal was to animate a homonym through ONE of its many actions, rather than its composition, shape, color, etc. (Helvetica and black and white were simple requirement boundaries). By using exact dimensions and measurements across the 1920x1080 screen, first studied in a handmade flip-book, I was able to create progressive movements throughout “space”, using the word “space” itself. Attention was paid to how movements among objects impact each other, by studying videos of actual motions such as pushing.

I chose to animate the word "space": 

  • (n): a continuous area or expanse that is free, available, or unoccupied.
    • a blank between printed, typed, or written words, characters, numbers, etc.
    • an interval of time (often used to suggest that time is short, considering what has happened or been achieved in it)
  • (v): [with obj.] (usu. be spaced) position (two or more items) at a distance from one another
    • (in printing or writing) put blanks between (words, letters, or lines)